Kerala State Youth Welfare Board invites applications for the Swami Vivekananda Youth Talent Award 2020 in the prescribed format.Young people between the ages of 18 and 40 can apply for the individual award.The awards are given to a total of 11 individuals from the fields of social work, print (print media), media work (visual media),art, literature, fine arts, sports (women), sports (men), science, entrepreneurship and agriculture.You can apply for the award yourself or nominate another person. The winners will be selected by a jury of experts in the field.The winners of the award will be given Rs. 50,000 / -, citation and award.In addition, applications are invited for the award from Youth / Youth Clubs affiliated to the Kerala State Youth Welfare Board.Rs. 30,000 / -, citation and award will be given to the best club selected at the district level. Clubs that have won awards at the district level are considered for the state level award. The state award winning club will be given Rs. 50,000 / -, citation and award.The last date for submission of applications is November 20, 2021. The guidelines and application form are available at the respective District Youth Centers and on the website of the Kerala State Youth Welfare Board (