a) Security Service:-

Temporary security guards in government and quasi-government institutions are the nominees of some private security agencies.The current situation is that agencies make contracts with companies and pay a good percentage of the salaries paid by the companies. The company pays meager salaries to the employees who work in it.There is a lot of exploitation going on in the security service sector in the state. Temporary security guards in government and quasi-government institutions are the nominees of some private security agencies.The company pays meager salaries to the employees who work in it.Identify young men and women who are interested in working in security and equip them for training and security. The government semi-government distributes trained security personnel as per the requirements of the private sector. It is intended to train 100 people in a district.Training will be imparted to 1400 persons across the state.


b) Tourism Guide Service :-

    The objective of this project is to provide employment to the youth by making maximum use of the potential of the major tourism sector in Kerala, thereby making the tourist centers more eco-friendly.

Kerala is one of the best tourist destinations in India. Ours is a state that attaches great importance to the region. Major tourist destinations in Kerala include beaches, lakes, hill stations, pilgrimage centers, wildlife sanctuaries, national parks, bird sanctuaries and historical monuments.The objective of the project is to maximize the potential of the region and provide employment to the youth, thereby making the tourist centers more eco-friendly. The scheme can provide employment to at least 1400 youth. The project is being implemented in collaboration with the Department of Tourism.

A youth volunteer team is being formed at tourist centers in Kerala. Assisting tourists visiting these centers, friendly interactions to keep tourist centers clean, imparting knowledge about tourist centers,The main responsibilities of this team are to provide them with the help they need (taxis, hotels, food, etc.). The number of volunteers at each center will depend on the importance of each center and the number of tourists arriving there.

The volunteers will be selected from young people between the ages of 20 and 30 who are capable of managing multilingualism with a degree of educational qualification. Applications are received through newspaper reports or online and the volunteers are selected through interviews through district youth centres. Selected volunteers are trained by experts in the field of tourism. The trained volunteers will be given uniform ID cards.At least 150 volunteers in the district can be trained and volunteered as part of this project. Thus, 2100 volunteers can be included in this scheme in a year in 14 districts of the state.

c) Swimming training :-

A training centre in a local self-government institution is implemented in collaboration with the fire force and the sports department.With a 580-km-long coastline of 44 rivers and innumerable lakes and backwaters, the number of drowning deaths is on the rise. The majority of those who drown are children and young people. The only way to avoid such drowning deaths is by practicing swimming. The aim of the project is to protect oneself from accidents, save others as well as learn the basic lessons of training to participate in competitions, and protect health.    The project is being organized as a swimming training centre in all assembly constituencies of the state. Water bodies required for swimming training will be identified from the constituencies. Trainers will be identified in collaboration with Fire & Safety. The training programme will be organized in collaboration with Team Kerala, a voluntary service force of the Kerala State Youth Welfare Board.
d) Coastal Sports Festival (Competitions):-

                  The children of the sea living in the coastal region are a large population that has acquired a wide variety of lives and survivals due to the characteristics of topography and climate. Excellent fitness is their specialty as they are constantly in contact with the sea for sustenance and survival. They are likely to excel in international sports such as swimming, water sports, surfing and sailing. If the sports talents residing in these areas are identified and given scientific training in sports, the players from the coastal areas will emerge and they will become the assets of the country. The purpose of this project is to identify them and organize expert training and competition.

Clubs will be formed in coastal areas. Sports meets will be organized at the local, district and state levels. The coastal sports festival consists of national and international level competitions as well as locally popular sports competitions. The competitions conducted at the state and district level will be evaluated by experts in the field of sports and the athletes who excel in the competitions will be identified and encouraged and the best facilities required for further training will be provided with the cooperation of other departments.     Around 6,000 youth in the coastal areas will benefit from this scheme.

e) Transgender Empowerment :-
Programs will be conducted for the empowerment of Transgenders.It intends to implement a variety of potential projects to bring transgender people into the mainstream of the state and to promote their artistic and cultural activities.Awareness camps will be organized on job training, seminars and arts and sports events on embroidery, fabric-sari painting, fashion designing, graphic designing and jewelery making. In addition to implementing various projects in all the 14 districts of the state, a state-wide association of transgender people will be organized.

f) Tribal Sports(Competitions)
The fitness of  tribes is much higher when compared to other sections of the population. The objective of this project is to properly utilize the human resources of these physically talented sections and provide them with scientific training and basic amenities, identifying talented people and making them better athletes. Traditional sports in tribal areas will be encouraged and scientific training will be imparted to them. Tribal clubs will be formed for this purpose. In the first phase, local camps will be organized. Local training centres will be started after the running of local camps. The service of local resources will be used for the training. The performance will be assessed by organizing competitions at regular intervals along with local training. Talented players from local competitions will be allowed to participate in district-level competitions and camps. After the formation of district-level teams, competitions will be organized at the state level. Opportunities will be created for selecting sports persons for sports schools and sports hostels to take them to greater heights.Priority will be given to districts like Wayanad, Palakkad, Idukki, Thiruvananthapuram, Ernakulam, Kasaragod and Kannur, where tribal communities are mostly concentrated.