Promote social development programs and Voluntary programs through youth clubs.To enhance the participation of youth in Keralotsavam and in Grama Sabha.To organize Labor Banks and other employment guarantee programs. To disseminate Board’s activities to the lowest level in the society.Youth Co-ordinators have been appointed in the Local Self Government Institutions to organize the activities of the Kerala State Youth Welfare Board at the district and local levels.Organize youth clubs, carry out social development activities, carry out voluntary activities, bring down the schemes of the Youth Welfare Board, strive to increase youth participation in events including Keralotsavam, increase youth participation in gram sabhas,The Youth Co-ordinators are responsible for organizing various job-oriented activities, including the Labor Bank. The Youth Co-ordinators work on a monthly honorarium basis.


1.Honorarium for Youth Co-ordinators

Each Youth Co-ordinator has been appointed at the Panchayat / Municipality / Corporation level and at the district level to coordinate the activities of the Kerala State Youth Welfare Board at the district and local levels., The main responsibilities of the Youth Coordinators are to organizing  youth  clubs and conducting social development activities, volunteering, organizing other activities for social good, striving to increase youth participation in Keralotsavam  events, increasing youth participation in Gram Sabhas ,organize various employment-oriented activities, including the Labor Bank, and to bring the activities of the Youth Welfare Board to the grassroots. The Youth Co-ordinators work on a monthly honorarium basis.

2. Youth Centers and Youth Co-ordination Committee Empowerment

The Youth Co-ordinators will be trained at the district and state level to implement the plans and activities planned by the Youth Welfare Board.Training will be provided on youth development approach strategies, perspectives and role models.